Event coordinated by the Hepatitis B Foundation

2025 International HBV Meeting

This influential international conference is being held Sept. 8-12 in Berlin, Germany.

More news coming soon.

The 2024 meeting featured:

  • Cutting-edge studies in hepatitis B (HBV) and D viruses (HDV),
  • Development of new technologies and analytical methods for understanding HBV and HDV infection,
  • Joint discussion on the latest therapeutic development with patients and clinicians,
  • Opportunities to network with the HBV/HDV community for all career stages and 
  • A platform for trainees (graduate students and post-docs) to showcase their studies.



Registration Portal



Lena smaller

Dr. rer. nat. Lena Allweiss
Research Scientist and Principal Investigator
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Barbara smaller

Barbara Testoni, PhD, HDR
Team Leader - PathLiv Unit, Lyon University, Inserm
The Lyon Hepatology Institute
Lyon, France

Keynote Speakers

Lombardo medium

Angelo Lombardo, PhD
Assistant Professor
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Milan, Italy

 AngCui medium

Ang Cui, PhD
Assistant Professor
Systems Immunology
Harvard University