Event coordinated by the Hepatitis B Foundation

Travel and Registration Grant Requests

Registration is not required to submit an abstract.

Submit your abstract today and register later!

The meeting organizers, as in previous years, are actively raising funds to provide travel grants for early career scientists in need of additional support. Special consideration will be given to those scientists who have the longest distance to travel and awards will be higher to cover the cost to attend the meeting. 

Important dates to note: 

  • June 16, 2025, is the last day to submit abstracts and travel grants and the deadline is 3 p.m. EDT. 
  • Early July is when presentation and travel grant recipients will be notified. 
  • July 11 will be the presentation and travel grant acceptance deadline. 

Important Reminder:

  • All travel grant requests must be submitted by 3 p.m. EDT on June 16.

Eligibility Requirements

Travel grant and registration waiver requests will receive consideration based on the following criteria:

  • Only Early Career Scientists may submit for funding consideration. An Early Career Scientist is a graduate student, or scientist/researcher with five years or fewer of post-doctorate experience who does not work independently and is not the "Principal Investigator" on grants.
  • Award will be based on the score earned by the submitted abstract.
  • Early Career Scientists who are traveling a long distance.
  • Financial need of the Early Career Scientist and
  • Underrepresented American minority status (as required by NIH grant).