Event coordinated by the Hepatitis B Foundation


2025 International HBV Meeting


If you attended this high-value meeting in 2024 or other recent years, you will receive an email announcement.

If you are not yet on our mailing list and would like to be added, please send a note to info@hbvmeeting.org.

Late registration will close 8/18/25.

Final payment due on 8/23/25.


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An Early Career Scientist is a scientist/researcher with five years or less of post-doctorate experience, who does not work independently and is not the "Principal Investigator" on grants.

Regular Members are scientists and researchers working for a non-profit organization such as a hospital, university lab, or research facility.

Industry/Pharmaceutical Members are those who work in for-profit businesses such as providers of medical services and products, biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical companies, and companies who offer services and products to academic and research companies and institutions.

Retired Fellow: Retaining access to the deep understanding of HBV and institutional knowledge possessed by retired HBV researchers is beneficial to the HBV research community and attendees at the International HBV Meeting. To encourage continued attendance at the HBV Meeting by retirees, registration fees will be waived for retired HBV researchers who spent the majority of their careers in academia. This waiver does not include expenses for travel, housing or the end-of-meeting banquet when the banquet fee is not bundled into the registration fee. Support for those expenses is at the discretion of the annual meeting organizers, with the understanding that the retirees receiving expanded financial support should have a formal role in the meeting, such as giving a keynote presentation. Researchers who spent the majority of their careers in industry are not eligible for this waiver. The Hepatitis B Foundation will notify the chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) when attendees register under the fee waiver option. Questions regarding eligibility for the fee waiver will be resolved by the SAC, and the SAC chairperson is authorized to act on behalf of the SAC for minor matters.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the confidential nature of the research presented at the International HBV Meeting, there will be no streaming or on-demand viewing of sessions online. While we understand the value of sharing knowledge and insights beyond the Meeting, we must prioritize the protection of proprietary data, unpublished findings and ongoing research endeavors. Abstract content will only be available through the abstract book and oral and poster sessions. The attendee app can be used to view the agenda, connect with fellow attendees and review session details, but there will not be any virtual streaming or on demand access. As such, there is a strict policy against recording or disseminating any content from the presentations, workshops or discussions held during the Meeting.


 Registration Portal